陈 青

作者: 时间:2020-04-15 点击数:

山东省高等学校创新创业教育导师,曲阜师范大学兼职硕士生导师。国际权威期刊《Science of The Total Environment》、《International Journal of Systematics of Evolutionary Microbiology》、《Current Microbiology》和《Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek》等杂志审稿专家。2014年6月毕业南京农业大学微生物学专业,2014年7月-至今于3344体育官方网站工作,2018年9月-2019年3月,赴美国加州大学-戴维斯分校访学。研究方向具体为①农药在环境介质和生物体中降解机制②污染环境的修复原理、技术与应用。主讲《微生物学》、《分子生态学》和《发酵工程》等课程。截止目前,以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表学术论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和山东省中青年发展基金项目各1项。近三年指导学生获得国家和省部级奖励12项,其中国家级、省级大学生创新创业训练计划2项,山东省师范类从业技能大赛二等奖2项。


[1] Mu Y#, Chen Q#, Parales R E, Lu Z M, Hong Q, He J, Qiu J G*, Jiang J D. Bacterial catabolism of nicotine: Catabolic strains, pathways and modules, Environmental Research, 2020, 183: 109258.

[2] Cheng M G, Yan X, He J, Qiu J G*, Chen Q*. Comparative genome analysis reveals the evolution of chloroacetanilide herbicide mineralization in Sphingomonas wittichii DC-6, Archives of microbiology, Current Microbiology, 2019, 76: 442-447.

[3] Zhang Y, Ji J, Xu S, Wang H, Shen B, He J, Qiu J G*, Chen Q*. Biodegradation of Picolinic Acid by Rhodococcus sp. PA18, Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(5):  1006.

[4] Mu Y, Ke Z, Feng C X, Wang, X W, Wang X W, Wang H M, Chen Q*, He J. Pedobacter pollutisoli sp. nov., Isolated from Tetrabromobisphenol A-Contaminated Soil, Current microbiology, 2019, 76: 442-447.

[5] Ni H Y, Li N, Qiu J G, Chen Q*. He J. Biodegradation of Pendimethalin by Paracoccus sp. P13, Current microbiology, 2018, 75(8): 1077-1083.

[6] Mu Y, Jia W B, Ke Z, Zhuang W, Wang H M, Jiang J D, Chen Q*. Shinella pollutisoli sp. nov., isolated from tetrabromobisphenol A-contaminated soil, International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 2018, 68(8):  2602-2606.

[7] Chen Q, Wang H M, Zhuang W, Sun Z G, Chen J, Ge Y, He J, Qiu J G*. Flavobacterium zaozhuangense sp. nov., a new member of the family Flavobacteriaceae, isolated from metolachlor-contaminated soil, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2018, 111: 1977-1984.

[8] Chen Q, Zang X X, Hang X, Wang H M, Jia W B, Li S P, Chen K*. Emticicia soli sp. nov., a novel member of the family ‘Flexibacteraceae’, isolated from tetrabromobisphenol A-contaminated soil, International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 2017, 67(8): 2885-2890.

[9] Chen Q, Zang X X, Hang X, Chen J, Wang H M, Li S P, Chen K*. Terrimonas suqianensis sp. nov., isolated from a tetrabromobisphenol A-contaminated soil, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2017, 110(8): 1061-1068.

[10] Chen, Q, Chen K, Ni H Y, Zhuang W, Wang H, Zhu J, He J. A novel amidohydrolase (DmhA) from Sphingomonas sp. that can hydrolyze the organophosphorus pesticide dimethoate to dimethoate carboxylic acid and methylamine, Biotechnology letters, 2016, 38(4): 703-710.

[11] Chen Q, Ni H Y, Zhuang W, Sun Z G, Yang Z Z, Wang H M, He J. Nitratireductor soli sp. nov., isolated from phenol-contaminated soil, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 108(5): 1139-1146.

[12] Chen Q, Wang C H, Deng S K, Wu Y D, Li Y, Yao L, Li S P, He J*. Novel three-component Rieske non-heme iron oxygenase system catalyzing the N-dealkylation of chloroacetanilide herbicides in sphingomonads DC-6 and DC-2, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2014, 80(16): 5078-5085.

[13] Chen Q, Sun L N, Zhang X X, He J, Kwon S W, Zhang J, Gu J G. Roseomonas rhizosphaerae sp. nov., a triazophos-degrading bacterium isolated from soil. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 2014, 64(4): 1127-1133.

[14] Chen Q, Zhang J, Wang C H, Jiang J. Kwon S W, Sun L N, He J*. Novosphingobium chloroacetimidivorans sp. nov., a chloroacetamide herbicide–degrading bacterium isolated from activated sludge. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 2014, 64(8): 2573-2578.

[15] Chen K#, Chen Q#, Wang G X, Ni H Y, He J, Yan X, Li S P. Sphingomonas chloroacetimidivorans sp. nov., a chloroacetamide herbicide-degrading bacterium isolated from activated sludge. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2015, 108(3): 703-710.

[16] Chu C W#, Chen Q#, Wang C, Wang H M, Sun Z G, He Q, Gu J G. Roseomonas chloroacetimidivorans sp. nov., a chloroacetamide herbicide-degrading bacterium isolated from activated sludge. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2016, 109(5): 611-618.

[17] 陈青, 王红妹*, 李晓红, 尉鸿飞, 苏朋, 何健, 蒋建东. 氯乙酰胺类除草剂微生物降解研究进展, 应用与环境生物学报, 2019, 25(5), 1252-1260.

[18] 陈青, 王尚杰, 王红妹, 庄文, 杨珺斐, 马俊, 郑美.一株产红色素真菌的初步鉴定及色素提取工艺探究, 枣庄学院学报, 2017, 05, 91-98.

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