
作者: 时间:2020-07-26 点击数:


20206月获得南开大学动物学专业博士学位。20207月来校工作。研究方向:半翅目昆虫学、动物分子系统学,主讲。近年来在Molecular Biology and Evolution》、Journal of Biogeography》、《Cladistics》、《International journal of Biological macromolecules》、《中国科学》等期刊上发表了篇学术论文。E-mail: qsdyuanjuanjuan@126.com



1Zhen Ye#*, Juanjuan Yuan#*, Jakob Damgaard, et al. Climate Warming Since the Holocene Accelerates West–East Communication for the Eurasian Temperate Water Strider Species Aquarius paludum[J]. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2022, (5): 5.DOI:10.1093/molbev/msac089.

(1) Zhen Ye#, Juanjuan Yuan#, Wenjun Bu*. Local environmental selection and lineage admixture act as significant mechanisms in the adaption of the widespread East Asian  pond skater Gerris latiabdominis to heterogeneous landscapes, Journal of Biogeography, 2020, 47(5): 1154-1165.

(2) Zhen Ye#, Juanjuan Yuan#, Min Li#, Wenjun Bu*. Geological effects influence population genetic connectivity more than Pleistocene glaciations in the water strider Metrocoris sichuanensis (Insecta: Hemiptera: Gerridae), Journal of Biogeography, 2018, 45(3): 690-701.

(3) 袁娟娟, 叶瑱*, 卜文俊*. 欧亚大陆广布物种的谱系地理学研究:现状与发展趋势. 中国科学: 生命科学, 2019, 49.

(4) Zhen Ye#, Jacob Damgaard#, Daniel Burckhardt#, George Gibbs, Juanjuan Yuan, Wenjun Bu*. Phylogeny and histrical biogeography of Gondwanan mossbugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha: Peloridiidae), Cladistics, 2019, 35(2): 135-149.

(5) Danli Zhang#, Min Li#, Teng Li, Juanjuan Yuan, Wenjun Bu*. A mitochondrial genome of Micronectidae and implications for its phylogenetic position. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 119: 747-757.

(6) Danli Zhang, Jinhua Gao, Min Li, Juanjuan Yuan, Wenjun Bu*. The complete mitochondrial genome of Tetraphleps aterrimus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae): Genomic comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of Cimicomorpha. International journal of Biological macromolecules, 2019, 130, 369-377.


(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,东亚-北美东部间断分布的拟翅大黾蝽种团谱系地理格局及演化研究(半翅目:黾蝽科),2023.01-2025.1230万,主持。

(2) 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,东亚广布种长翅大黾蝽谱系地理格局及驱动机制研究,2022.01-2024.1215万,主持。


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